-"I went to see Sofia on February 2012, after my auntie's recommendation. The time I went to visit her for first time, my face, head, neck, chest and arms where all covered with severe eczema. I was red as a beetroot, my skin and even my eyelids they where swollen, itchy, flakey and very sensitive to touch. My condition had been for some time and made me to feel very nervous, uncomfortable and I had lost my confidence.I had tried so many creams and other medical advice from my GP but nothing made it better. Sofia find out on this first appointment that the culprit of my condition was "naphthalin", a substance used to prevent moth infection in the wardrobe, also is an ingredient found in hair dyes. (I was working in a hair salon). It was like magic! Even in this first NAET treatment, as it was progressing we could both see front of our eyes the redness starting subsiding, my skin turning to its natural colour and the discomfort disappearing. I had five NAET treatments and my skin recovered completely. I now can work at the hair salon and I have studied to become a makeup artist! I am only 18 and you can not imagine how grateful I am to have my life back!"
Tanvi Kenton London

-"Sofia is a trustworthy, skilful practitioner who can resolve many allergic issues.I used to be allergic to gluten and nuts, but her excellent mastery of NAET enabled me to be allergy free! The experience of NAET has really helped me with diet changes. As well, it made travelling much simpler because I can now enjoy nuts and gluten without any issues.
The Reiki healing and NAET helped calm me down during a real turbulent time in my life so I'm really grateful for the sessions. I would recommend, 10/10"
-Louis Dulanto-Sime
-"I am in my 40s and have suffered from wheat, gluten, MSG and dairy allergies for as long as I remember. On consuming these, I felt very bloated and suffered with diarrhea.
I went for an allergy test in 2009 and was told that the best thing to do was to give up all of the above foods. So I did give up, until Oct. 2010, when I started the NAET treatment practiced by Shlomit Sofia Tipping.
I had five sessions of the NAET treatment and since November 2010 have been eating all of the above foods without any problem.
I recommend NAET to all persons suffering from allergies. You will be surprised at the very positive results you will have.
Thank you"
-Ajay Tan. New Barnet, Herts
-"Although I had been having alternative treatments with Sofia for some time I was very unsure of the NAET treatment that she offered, just because it is very alternative. I got married in May and my husband had bought me a beautiful necklace for Christmas which he wanted me to wear with my wedding dress, I purchased the earrings to go with the necklace, they were silver so I did not think I would have a problem, I have always suffered with cheap metals and come up instantly with a terrible reaction. When I tried the earrings with the dress in the shop my ears immediately reacted and went bright red and itchy, I was gutted there was no way I could keep them in for 5 minutes let alone an entire day.
I told Sofia and she again suggested NAET to me, willing to try anything for my big day I let her give me a very short treatment for the earrings. I could not believe the results, 2 days later I put them in and although my ears felt like they wanted to react they didn't, I tried them again before the wedding and this time they did not feel like they wanted to react they felt totally normal, I wore them the entire wedding day and night and then for the rest of my holiday. I am totally stunned by the treatment and will definitely use it to get my body ready and healthy for pregnancy. It's like magic."
-Charlotte Cal. Barnet-London
-"Dear Sofia, I would like to say thank you so much for everything you have done for me. You have really helped me beyond belief. Thank you for being so kind, caring and resourceful on your work. For many years I have been suffering with intestinal cystitis and various food intolerance and for this reason my diet was very much restricted. I could not tolerate, sour and spicy food or drink coffee and tea as it was affecting my bladder so badly and I will be in pain.
After a few NAET treatments I felt like a new person. I can now enjoy the foods that I could not eat before. It is simply AMAZING! I would highly recommend Sofia to anyone who is looking to trace and treat the source of their discomfort and their illness."
-Renata Ruk.Hendon London
-"I am concentrating better."
-Louis M (8 years old)
"Louis has had no more eczema behind his knees, since the treatment ( NAET ) started.
He has become more confident in all areas.
He has made progress at school and is better able to concentrate when he does his homework. He is gradually becoming happier in himself."
-Eve M (mother and Teacher) Finchley- London
-"For years I have been suffering with a severe allergic reaction to Mosquito bites- which resulted in the bite swelling up so large that it would take months for them to go down and they would become infected/ sore and unsightly.
The only treatment I could access was from my GP. My GP would often put me on antibiotics full strength for 2 weeks which never really helped only stopped the infection spreading. The problem was once I go re-bitten -I would then have to have more antibiotics and so i dreaded the summer because of the pain and suffering i would go through( this was just a vicious cycle). I tried almost everything on the market to stop the reaction getting out of hand and I believed there was nothing I could do except bare the pain and muddle along.
Then one of my friend told me about NAET- she swore by it. When I heard about it I thought I would give it ago and found Sofia. Well after one session which was so therapeutic and relaxing- I found the bites on my face and body began to disappear over night. I can honestly say that the experience was so beautiful and Sofia is so welcoming and kind. I can only say that the experience and treatment changed my life. I am now free from the fear of the allergy and also from the toxic reaction my body created when I got bitten. This treatment is really something amazing- if you try it you will never look back- worth every penny!"
-Liam Doh , Acton

"I have known Shlomit Sofia Tipping for many years.
She is extremely kind, caring and excellent at what she does.
I would have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone.
Her work is first class."
-Ethel Maiz. Regents Park London
-"To whom it may concern,
Ref: Shlomit Sofia - London
I have known Sofia for over 10 years and during that time she has given me regular massages. To use the word massages is misleading, as she has several skills that she combines into her treatments. She is really a healer with a special touch in her hands. Besides having a thorough knowledge of anatomy she is also familiar with reflexology, acupressure, kinesiology, Chi Nie Tsang and more.
After receiving treatments from Sofia I always feel much better and at peace. Any physical pains I had always improve. I have no hesitation in recommending Sofia to others."
-Kish Pagarani, Resides between Hendon & Dubai, Founder & Publisher of Yogalife magazine
“Sofia came highly recommended by a good friend of mine upon visiting London, and after sharing with her my intolerance and symptoms when I was eating wheat, gluten, dairy and soya. The traditional approach of elimination from my diet was not helpful as I am mainly on a plant-based diet, that includes many of these intolerances.
I had only 4 sessions with Sofia as I had to go back to Dubai where I live. She treated me for grains and gluten as well for soya and I noticed a much smoother digestion after the treatments. I had dairy and ice cream on my flight back and I had not my usual symptoms, so it is safe to say that the lactose/dairy treatment worked very well.
Sofia is such a sweet individual and very knowledgeable. She made me feel so at ease throughout the entire treatment. I will happily continue my treatments with her when I am back in town to clear some of the other culprits that she has identified after testing me for potential allergens. Sofia thank you for all your efforts and your kindness, it’s a pleasure to get to know you. All the best with everything.”
-Sandra Berko, Dubai