Bodywork, Stretch management
Deep tissue
Holistic Massage
Reflexology Face and Feet
Cellulite massage
Chi Nei Tsang, massage of the Vital Organs
MLD, Manual Lymph Drainage
Registered massage Therapist
ICHT -International Council of Holistic Therapist

I am a highly experienced remedial massage therapist, with knowledge of manual lymph drainage and stretching management. Treated a diverse range of clients, offering body work and treatments which include the use of acupressure, stretch management, trigger point and deep tissue massage for pain relief, sciatica, cellulitis, restoring blood and lymphatic circulation and draining of oedemas, calming the nervous system, aiding relaxation and well-being. I have treated runners post marathon to aid recovery. Experienced of pre and post natal massage. Experience of working with infants and elderly clients.
I have offered over the years remedial massage treatments, reflexology and Manual Lymph Drainage, to numerous natural healing events including the Asian Women’s Resource Centre, the JWA Jewish Women's Aid, at Chalgrove Primary School, the Palmers Green Festival, and the Coffee Republic community healing events.
Have worked in Move and Rest SPA in Greece, at Co Co’s SPA at Finchley London, Lido North Finchley, Virgin Active at High Barnet and with private clients in Greece, Israel and North West and Central London.
For my bodywork, I apply only the highest quality organic cold-pressed carrier oils and coconut butter. I use Young Living organic aromatherapy essential oils that can be chosen through muscle test response to fit your individual needs. I can utilize silicon cups when I find it necessary to stimulate blood circulation and release long-standing muscle pain.
-"To whom it may concern,
Ref: Shlomit Sofia - London
I have known Sofia for over 10 years and during that time she has given me regular massages. To use the word massages is misleading, as she has several skills that she combines into her treatments. She is really a healer with a special touch in her hands. Besides having a thorough knowledge of anatomy she is also familiar with reflexology, acupressure, kinesiology, Chi Nie Tsang and more.
After receiving treatments from Sofia I always feel much better and at peace. Any physical pains I had always improve. I have no hesitation in recommending Sofia to others."
-Kish Pagarani, Resides between Hendon & Dubai, Founder & Publisher of Yogalife magazine
-"I had always thought that massage was a luxury and something for the self-indulgent until I consulted a naturopath about my health problems. My naturopath advised me to have regular massages and she recommended Sofia to me. For this I shall be eternally grateful.
Even after the first session I began to feel lighter and more agile in my movements. My face became less puffy. Gradually, I noticed the texture of the skin on my legs and thighs became softer and smoother. My sleep was more relaxed and I could turn over in bed without pain. After a few more sessions the swelling in my legs had reduced so much I could see my ankles for the first time in years and even some of my larger varicose veins seemed to have shrunk. Sofia's style of massage has an impact on all body systems.Sofia is not only a very powerful and skilful masseuse, she is also very kind and intuitive in the way she treats her clients. I have already recommended Sofia to my family and friends and I am very happy to recommend her to everyone."
- Andi Ioan. Queen's Park London
-"Sofia is one of the most talented massage therapist I have ever had the joy to experience, there is nothing that she does not know or won't find out. Sofia is very well read and is always studying a different technique in order to improve her portfolio and offer her clients more care, she really has high standards for herself. I have had deep tissue massage with Sofia and she really hits the spot. Often I have visited her in pain unable to move my neck and Sofia has really been able to help me. Another massage technique Sofia uses is cellulite massage, this is by far my favourite, its the most amazing massage ever, after 3 treatments you feel like you are a different person, your legs don't feel heavy and horrible and you can see all the cellulite has come to the surface, after just about 4-5 treatments you can really notice a difference this massage is perfect to have a few weeks before you go on your summer holiday to get rid of the unsightly orange peel. Along with really caring about her clients Sofia is a lovely warm person and I would recommend her to anyone"
-Charlie Overt. Operational Readiness Tester - Operations Support
-"I have received full body massages from Shlomit. Her Massages
are pure pampering and relieves any aches and pains I may have.
I feel relaxed and have a fantastic nights sleep following her massage.
She is absolutely a fantastic person and a true professional, listens to what your issues are, and gets to work. She is genuinely a fantastic person."-Zeezee Rang. Mill Hill London
Swedish massage, it is primarily for full-body sessions and promotes general relaxation. It is effective for most ailments, because massaging the skin, the body's largest organ, sets up a chain reaction that produces a positive effect on all layers and systems of the body. It affects the nerves, muscles, glands, and circulation, and promotes health and well-being.
Deep tissue massage and soft tissue therapy, these treatment techniques include trigger point therapy, myofascial release and friction for adhesions between fascia layers and muscles. Deep tissue manipulation, It eliminates the tension in the muscles and nerves and alleviates chronic pain.
Holistic massage is a tailored treatment that combines several techniques, that meet holistically the specific needs of your body at this time.
Cellulite Massage is a natural and very effective method to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The causes of cellulite are hormonal factors, diet, lifestyle; smoking, lack of exercise and stress. Cellulite Massage is a deep fast and invigorating massage technique that increases blood circulation, bringing more oxygen into the affected areas of the body which in turn dissolves localized fat deposits and helps the removal of waste products (toxins) by increasing lymphatic circulation.
Chi Nei Tsang - Massage of theVital Organs, this is an Asian massage technique that treats the internal organs of the body, to release stagnant emotions and toxins and help the organs to function in their optimal way. The process of digestion, chemical reactions in the cells and mental and physical work all produce waste and toxic materials, which accumulate in the tissues. This treatment cleans the waste and toxic materials through, harmonizes the energies of the lungs and the heart, the liver and gall bladder, the spleen and pancreas, the stomach, the small intestine and large intestine, and kidneys and bladder. Through this technique of massage, unprocessed emotions that have been stacked in the organs, maybe for many years, may be attended and in this process the organs have the chance to release toxins to get removed through an improved elimination.
Manual lymphatic drainage, MLD was pioneered by Dr. Emil Vodder in the 1930s for the treatment of chronic sinusitis and other immune disorders, and is now recognized as a primary tool in Lymphedema Management.
It is a gentle massage that encourages the natural circulation of the lymph throughout the body. The lymph system depends on peristalsis and the movement of skeletal muscles to squeeze fluid through lymph ducts and vessels.
MLD consists of gentle, rhythmic massaging of the skin to stimulate the lymph nodes to open and drain. The treatment is very comfortable and nonaggressive. A typical session will involve drainage of the neck, abdomen, trunk, and extremities and lasts approximately 60 minutes.
Lymph circulation is three times greater than that of blood. It plays a vital role in the body’s immune system, the elimination of toxic waste and the transportation of nutrients to the cells.
MLD is both preventative and remedial and can enhance your well-being.
* Lymph-oedema (water retention). Relieves fluid congestion: tired puffy eyes, swollen puffy ankles and legs due to pregnancy and otherwise.
* Promotes the healing of fractures, torn ligaments, and sprains and lessens pain.
* Can improve many chronic conditions: sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, acne and other skin conditions.
* Strengthen the immune system.
* Promotes healing of wounds and burns and improves the appearance of old scars.
Feet and Face Reflexology is one of the oldest forms of natural medicine. It is thought to have originated in China and records indicate that a form of it was practised 5000 years ago. In the modern era, Reflexology was discovered by Dr. William H. Fitzgerald, an American physician. He was the first person to make the findings of Zone Therapy, as it was called at the time, known to the world at large. There are several similarities between Reflexology and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Many of the points stimulated with reflexology are also acupuncture points and many of the acupuncture meridians pass through both the hands and feet, the main points stimulated with reflexology. In reflexology, every organ and~ gland in the body can be mapped out on the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands. These are known as reflex points. Pressure on the reflexes corrects any imbalances in the body’s ten zones and so restores health to the body. Restoring the uninhibited flow of energy helps the body's self-healing.